Api网关Kong Mac安装一

- 2 mins

Api网关Kong Mac安装一

Kong 安装

  1. Install Kong

    Use the Homebrew package manager to add Kong as a tap and install it:

     $ brew tap kong/kong
     $ brew install kong
  2. Add kong.conf

    Note: This step is required if you are using Cassandra; it is optional for Postgres users.

    By default, Kong is configured to communicate with a local Postgres instance. If you are using Cassandra, or need to modify any settings, download the kong.conf.default file and adjust it as necessary. Then, as root, add it to /etc:

     $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/kong
     $ sudo cp kong.conf.default /etc/kong/kong.conf
  3. Prepare your database

    Configure Kong so it can connect to your database. Kong supports both PostgreSQL 9.5+ and Cassandra 3.x.x as its datastore.

    If you are using Postgres, provision a database and a user before starting Kong:

     CREATE USER kong; 

    Next, run the Kong migrations:

     $ kong migrations bootstrap [-c /path/to/kong.conf]

    Note for Kong < 0.15: with Kong versions below 0.15 (up to 0.14), use the up sub-command instead of bootstrap. Also note that with Kong < 0.15, migrations should never be run concurrently; only one Kong node should be performing migrations at a time. This limitation is lifted for Kong 0.15, 1.0, and above.

  4. Start Kong

     $ kong start [-c /path/to/kong.conf]
  5. Use Kong

    Verify that Kong is running:

     $ curl -i http://localhost:8001/

    Quickly learn how to use Kong with the 5-minute Quickstart.


2019/05/27 16:29:42 [warn] ulimit is currently set to "256". For better performance set it to at least "4096" using "ulimit -n"
Error: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/start.lua:37: could not find OpenResty 'nginx' executable. Kong requires version


Install OpenResty via Homebrew: brew install openresty/brew/openresty
Create folder /usr/local/openresty
Copy contents from /usr/local/Cellar/openresty/ into it
Check for /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx presence

安装kong dashboard

安装步骤,请参考git 地址:https://github.com/PGBI/kong-dashboard




  1. https://blog.csdn.net/li396864285/article/details/77371466
  2. https://blog.csdn.net/CGD_ProgramLife/article/details/80510163
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54604121/dyld-library-not-loaded-usr-local-opt-icu4c-lib-libicui18n-63-dylib-in-vscode
  4. postgresql使用 https://www.jianshu.com/p/9e91aa8782da
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